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2015-3-28 22:46| view publisher: amanda| views: 2454| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 02 free demoralized 425,104 03 love me ask you a liar, the hit singles - love .. 388,494 04 love cha cha cha Taiwanese love 86,430 05 dancers Taiwanese love 289,298 06 shochu words Taiwanese love 218, ...
02 free demoralized 425,104
03 love me ask you a liar, "the hit singles - love .." 388,494
04 love cha cha cha "Taiwanese love" 86,430
05 dancers "Taiwanese love" 289,298
06 shochu words "Taiwanese love" 218,945
07 love just 230,999
08 Cup Film 180,824
09 Love gust 26,102
10 wind sandstorm 48,494
11 eleven brother "Taiwanese-selling series of 2" 105,966
12 free romance "Taiwanese love" 104,492
13 infatuation flower "infatuation flower" 80,676
14 love you no regrets "singles" 102,996
15 love of wine, "the best-selling Taiwanese Set 4" 56,636
16 is the one person you just want to "Taiwanese-selling series 2" 24,704
17 Moonlight Acacia song "Taiwanese-selling set 4" 45,565
18 sing a song for you "infatuation flower" 85,417
19 love song "Million hits a" 70,177
20 Cup Film - Taiwanese Taiwanese 12,524 songs
21 dancers dream "best song," 20,346
22 singers, "the best-selling series of two Taiwanese" 10,942
23 lover to not go back, "a Taiwanese-selling album" 26,528
24 we have the opportunity to be president "singles" 25,091
25 unrequited dream "Million Songs 2"

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